Blurb: Growing up on a small farm in the kingdom of Vanguard, seventeen-year-old Layla Givens lives a deceptively tranquil existence. But her carefully constructed life quickly falls apart when she’s abducted by a religious zealot who proclaims her The Fulfillment of an ancient peace prophecy and whisks her away to marry her greatest enemy.
Price: £0.99 (on kindle)
Age: 13+
I love fantasy books and this is just another great one. I loved all the characters in it, I have several favourites. Layla, Grant, Will, Nash and Vespa. The battle scenes in the book were amazing and described vividly. The only thing that I would say about this book is that I would like to have heard more about Layla’s parents but maybe it’s in the other books. I would recommend this to people who have read and loved Forestium and the Crimson Claymore because they are all slightly similar great fantasy books. I would definitely read the other 2 books so look for a review of them in the future. I would say this book is probably more for girls than boys, because of the several love stories that go on throughout the book, but if you are a boy and think it sounds good, then by all means, give it a read. I give this a 9 out of 10 star rating and hope you will read and enjoy it!!