This book teaches an important lesson, and despite it being set in a fantasy world, unlike our own. The events and the way people are treated, is a reflection of how our society treats people today. Tomi Adeyemi states at the end of her novel in the Author’s Notes that she felt that she needed to do something after hearing stories of innocent black women, men and children getting shot by policemen and women. This novel was her way of doing something meaningful, to fight against this problem. Anyway, onto the review…
This book is based off African mythology, focusing mostly on the many different gods that they have. The story starts in Zelie’s home town, Orisha. Zelie Adebola who is a (diviner, white hair, should have magic powers but magic has been suppressed) lives with her father and her brother (Tzain) and lionaire Nailah. Having just earnt her staff, she is sent on a quest to restore magic, and restore the maji’s powers in order to defeat King Saran. Waterstones puts it much better, if you’d like a good description. I won’t go into detail since it’s quite a long book. Zelie meets many different characters along the way, Amari (King Saran’s daughter who is on the run with a scroll (scroll is important)), Inan (Amari’s brother), Olamilekan (or Lekan) and Zu to name a few. Zu was probably my favourite and Zelie as well, and I really liked Binta, even though you never meet her. I think Tomi Adeyemi really got something right with the characters in her book, and how they all interact with each other. I thought Zelie was very inspirational, considering everything she’s been through, Tzain is thoughtful and kind, and Amari is quiet and shy, but a very important and strong character. And then there are the bad guys obviously, otherwise the book would be boring. Of course, there are some really cool characters that I didn’t mention, but as I said earlier, the book is really long and I would be here forever.
This novel is a beautiful mixture of an adventure, a love story, fantasy and sadness. This book is a tear jerker, so I wouldn’t read this in a public area, you have been warned. You would really love this book if you’re a fan of exciting and thrilling novels (towards the end I couldn’t put it down, I was desperate to finish it). Fantasy lovers will like this and I think that this is my favourite fantasy book ever written, so thank you.
After reading this book I wanted everyone to read this, and I still do, I don’t care if you don’t like fantasy or love stories, you need to read this book. It spreads such an important message, something that I believe everyone should know. And I just really loved this book, hence why it was in my top 3 books of 2018. Anyway, I give this book a 10 out of 10 stars, and will continue to recommend it as long as I shall live (that’s a tad dramatic, even for me). I’d say it’s for people aged 13 and upwards because it’s rather upsetting in some parts of the book, and you should definitely read it!
Blurb: Magic can burn, turn tides, light the darkness and bring back the dead. But magic is gone. So one girl must bring it back in the first in a gripping fantasy trilogy.
They killed my mother.They took our magic.They tried to bury us.Now we rise.
Twitter: @LaraNjtbbtc (I had to make a new account (long story) anyway, if you were already following me, you will need to find my new account, sorry)
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