Geek Girl (#4) All That Glitters by Holly Smale

Prepare to be disappointed….

allthatglittersHarriet Manners knows many things.

She knows that toilet roll was invented by the Chinese in 600 AD.

She knows that a comet’s tail always points away from the sun.

And she knows that the average healthy heart beats 70 times per minute. Even when it’s broken.

But she knows nothing about making new friends at Sixth Form. Or why even her old friends seem to be avoiding her. And she knows even less about being a glittering supermodel success. Which she now is – apparently.

Price: £5.99

Age: 12+

Now, I won’t say that I hate this book, but I definitely didn’t like it. I was really disappointed by this book as I loved the first 3 books but this one was a huge let down. I felt like Holly Smale had run out of ideas and decided to make Harriet a ‘superstar’. I feel like she should have ended it with Picture Perfect. However, I did like the ending because it was back to the usual style of the other books. I’m not entirely sure why I disliked it so much, but I did and my friend agrees as well that this is a big disappointment. I did like all the new characters for instance Jasper and India and you got to know more about Liv and Ananya who are Alexa’s henchmen (or partners in crime). I give this a 4 out of 10 and sadly would not recommend it to you. I am planning on reading the 5th book, but if it is rubbish, please tell me. And for those of you in the UK…

Happy Bonfire Night

Instagram: NJTBBTC