Geek Girl #3Picture Perfect by Holly Smale

Geek girl 3Blurb: Harriet Manners knows more facts than most.She knows that New York is the most populous city in the United States.She knows that its official motto is ‘Ever Upward’.She knows that one in thirty-eight people living in the US lives there.But she knows nothing whatsoever about modelling in the Big Apple and how her family will cope with life stateside. Or ‘becoming a brand’ as the models in New York say. And even more importantly, what to do when the big romantic gestures aren’t coming your way from your boyfriend…

Price: £4.99

Age: 12+

This is the third book in the Geek Girl series, I have reviewed the first book, so if you would like to  read the review for that one then here is the link

I have read the second book, but for some reason forgot to review it, so if you would like to see a review of that, please tell me. Now onto the review

I read this book in between swimming in the pool and drinking cocktails (non alcoholic obviously), yes, I was in Spain! While you lot were all sitting indoors, I was lounging in the sun and tanning, anyway .This book was my favourite out of the three, partly because it was so different to the rest of them. This one was sadder and you learnt  a lot more about Nick. I was also surprised that Fleur made a reappearance in this one, for a good reason though. I was happy to see a lot of new characters in this book where as the others only had a few. I can’t wait to read the fourth book and already have a copy of it because my friend kindly lent it to me. I give this book 10 out of 10 stars and aim it at girls, but by all means, if you are a boy and fancy reading this then go ahead, no one will stop you. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays (if you are in the UK).

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