Murder most unladylike by Robin Stevens

51XARzbGkwL._SX324_BO1,204,203,200_Blurb: When Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong set up their very own secret detective agency at Deepdean School for Girls, they struggle to find any truly exciting mysteries to investigate. (Unless you count the case of Lavinia’s missing tie. Which they don’t.)

Then Hazel discovers the Science Mistress, Miss Bell, lying dead in the Gym. She assumes it was a terrible accident – but when she and Daisy return five minutes later, the body has disappeared. Now Hazel and Daisy not only have a murder to solve: they have to prove one happened in the first place. 

Age: 10+

Price: £5.00

This is possibly one of my favourite murder mystery of all time. It’s a really enjoyable book and you seem to build a close relationship with the characters in the book. I really enjoyed reading this book. Robin Stevens has written 2 other books in this series, ‘Arsenic for tea’ and ‘First class murder’ I have read ‘Arsenic for tea’ and have bought his latest one ‘First class murder’ and cannot wait to read it. This is quite an easy read and i read it in a day. The only fault I have with this book is the title, it gives away the gender of the murderer and towards the end, because if the title, it is rather obvious who murdered Miss Bell. I give this book 9 out of 10 stars and I hope that you will enjoy it.